What's been happening on the Star? September Edition

Hi everyone!

It's been a busy summer over here on my end, and although I regularly update on social media and on the official SubscribeStar, I thought I would drop in here and let everyone know what's been happening from time to time.


(Fantastic picture I commissioned from BDGA)

For those of you who don't know, I was finally banned by the Patreon Puritan Police a few months ago so I dropped it and moved all of my updates and weekly posts to SubscribeStar instead. I had been running both in parallel for some time, but now that it's just Star, I've been free from having to walk on egg shells around Patreon's censorship. The financial hit is rough, but we're rebuilding  and ultimately, I love that I can just write what I want without having to rely on euphemisms and double speak.

Oh, those are a bit bigger than I thought they would be. Hah! One of the perks for supporting Lustfall or my other projects in general is that I do write-ups and show off the giant, full resolution images for the battle cards that people like you vote on throughout the month. All for as little as a single US Dollar! WOW! These are from last month (can you guess the lust magic names?) and will be available now and in the future for all levels of paid subscriptions. There's a nice backlog of them too, and they're only going to get SPICIER!

On weeks that I am not posting the full resolution art and write ups, I am either writing a blog for Lustfall specifically and showing off some stuff, or doing a bigger dev log where I show off the big project I am working on! (In this case, it's the yet-to-be-announced Lust Knight Lisa). If you really want to feel like you're in the know, that's the thing you want to check out. For the big dev log, you have to sign up for the Sadomasochist tier, but you'll get a key for my latest game (Hanaja's Body 2 in One) as my thanks for the big support! OH! There's even going to be a new dev log on Lust Knight Lisa TOMORROW! Talk about good timing!

Even if you just want to keep an eye on things, there's always the FREE tier. This is not only a great way to keep in the know, but also to vote in the polls that are posted EVERY Monday. There's even some time to let your voice be heard in this week's public poll! It's about what people expect once the Lustfall Final Update is all said and done.

When there's an extra week in a month, I'll even do a small look back and discuss my thoughts and opinions on the polls and what's been happening with everything. It's public, so give it a read.

If you enjoy Lustfall or my other games, please consider subscribing! Every little bit helps a lot, and there's going to be a lot of new and exciting Battle Cards to get art for in the big finale. Thank you all so much for your support and patience for whichever game(s) you love and hope to get another title in for the future.

Stay kinky~

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